About Newspaper

Well... here we are! The Orange Juice News! We are the Trevor Browne Newspaper Club, and we are the ones that run this website. We hope you all enjoy our editions and come back for more!

The club has been ongoing for 4 years now, and we decided to make this website in order to continue publishing during the pandemic and virtual school. Thank you so much for checking the website out and reading our articles! 😃

Website Contributors:

William Reimers (Sponsor/Founder)

Joined in 2017, Founded in 2017

This is my 15th year at Trevor G Browne High School. I currently teach World History AP and Honors, and I am the faculty co-sponsor of TGB's newspaper, "The Orange Juice." I hold a Master's Degree in International Studies/Political Science from the University of Queensland, Australia, and a Master's Degree in Secondary Education from Arizona State University. I earned certification in 2019 as a National Board Certified Teacher and as an Arizona Master Teacher. I am also a National World War I Museum Teacher Fellow, National Geographic Certified Teacher, Past-President of the Arizona Council for Social Studies, and is 2019 Gilder-Lerhman Arizona History Teacher of the Year.

Angelica Pelagio (Sponsor)

Joined in 2019

Hello! My name is Ms. Pelagio and I teach US History. This is my 5th year teaching at Trevor Browne and 2nd in The Orange Juice. I love teaching American History because it is the story of how our country came to be. I have also enjoyed the past 2 years in newspaper because it’s allowed me to get to know students in my class outside of that environment.

Fun Fact: I am also a Trevor Browne graduate.

Brian Chavez (President)

Joined in 2019, President since 2020, Founded Cyber Orange in 2020

Hello! My name is Brian! :) First thing I would like to mention is that I’m a breed between white and Mexican so I guess you can say Whitexican? I love technology. I been thinking about inventions and thinking of ways to interact with technology itself. Today, I find myself knowing alottttt about technology with sometimes surprising myself with how much I know. I love anime, but I don’t watch too much of it, however, because I like to also stay very productive as I leave my day with a whole schedule put in place.

I have been in Orange Juice News since December 2019. I am a Junior, and I became the President as I find myself to be able to easily help groups of people. I have helped in making this website with the help of Steven Le. We both know about coding so we have both contributed to making this website. I hope this website gets to go far because we put lots of determination into making it :D.

Jenna Nguyen (Vice President)

Joined in 2018, Started Baking Column in 2019, Vice President since 2020, Editor-in-Chief since 2020

Hey everyone! I’m Jenna, a senior at TGB :). If you can picture a Vietnamese girl that’s just over five feet and loves to get creative, then you would be picturing me! I love spending my free time painting, baking, or anything else that gets my gears turning. I dislike being bored haha. Other than my personal hobbies, I have played basketball since the 6th grade, and I’m even a part of TGB’s varsity basketball team. Although I have played basketball for so long, I would have to say that Badminton is my favorite sport even though I’ve only played since sophomore year. Since becoming the varsity captain of TGB’s badminton team during my junior year, I have led my team to two consecutive Metro Region Champions titles, and I am proud to be able to say that! I am an avid anime watcher if I do say so myself. Here are some of my anime-related achievements:

My all-time favorite anime is Haikyu with Hunter x Hunter coming in at a close second. I love meeting new people, so if you’re reading this, and you see me in person, come talk to me! Hopefully, you’ve learned enough about me in this short biography that can instigate some type of conversation :). Until we meet again, reader...

Steven Le (Treasurer)

Joined in 2018, Treasurer since 2019, Editor-in-Chief since 2020, Founded Cyber Orange in 2020

HEYYOO!!! I’m Steven Le! o/ ← (me waving). First thing I have to say is that I have no idea how to make bios… SO LET'S WING IT!!! (^_^’) I am Vietnamese-American, and I have been gaming since I was 5; I LOVE gaming. The first game I ever played was MapleStory, and I still visit that game every once in a while haha (pls tell me someone here played Maple too ;-;). Fun Fact: My personal statement was about video games! Right now, I’m playing quite a bit of League of Legends. I’m also a big anime fan. My favorite shows are Sword Art Online and Demon Slayer. I even finished the whole Demon Slayer Manga. Can’t wait till the movie comes out, so I can see it all animated!

Oh yeah, I should probably talk about the Orange Juice News and my contributions to the club lmao. So I've been in the Orange Juice News since sophomore year, and I am currently a senior. I became the treasurer my junior year of high school. During my 11th to 12th-grade summer, I took the Brandeis App Design Pre-College program, where I learned about HTML and coding. This is where I got the necessary skills to start making this website. I hope you enjoyed what I started and I'm praying this continues on after my graduation!

Haha, did I just successfully make a bio? (͡o‿O͡) If you want to talk and get to know me or the others in the club, email us at theorangejuicenews@gmail.com

Lacey Schaumloeffel-Slezak (Secretary Alumn)

Joined in 2018, Secretary in 2020, Editor in 2020, Graduated in 2020

Hello! My name is Lacey, and I am a mix of German and Czechoslovakian. I love writing and running. They both give me peace of mind when I am stressed, and they help me cope with uneasy situations. I have been drawing and painting since I was 10 and have won a few awards since then.

Jair Carrizal (Illustrator)

Joined in 2020, Illustrator since 2020

Hey, what’s up! I’m Jair Carrizal, and you’re watching Disney channel. The first thing I would like to say is that I am a mix of Mexican and Philipino. I always had a passion for music, which has made me the odd one out of my family at times. One of the first CDs I ever owned was Drake's Thank Me Later album. Sometimes, I find myself writing lyrics randomly, and that's a gift that I just can't explain. I later fell in love with emo rap. One of my favorite artists is Sub Urban. I'm also a big fan of Matt Groening's shows The Simpsons, Disenchanted, and Futurama. I have probably spent too much time watching all of those shows, but I love the animation in each show.

I joined the Orange Juice News in September 2020, and I am a Junior. I originally joined because I liked writing, but things changed. I ended up being an illustrator... wait no an animator. Honestly, I don't know haha. I just draw stuff, so yeah! I ended up drawing the mascot, Ozzie, and I realized that I love drawing; So, now, I’m just working on more drawings and on a couple of articles! :D

Danilley Silva (Member)

Joined in 2020

Hello! My name is Danilley Silva, and I am Junior. I am a member of the Newspaper Club, Drama Club, and the vice president of Be A Leader and AVID Club. I love learning new languages. I currently speak English, Spanish, and a little French. Hopefully, in the future, I will be able to speak many more languages. I love being involved in school clubs and activities as well as traveling, but due to the situation of the world, it has been difficult doing these activities.

Irais Aguilar Coconi(Member)

Joined in 2020

Hi! My name is Irais, and I’m a sophomore. I’ve been in the Newspaper since the start of the 2020 school year. I joined because I thought I could try a different form of writing rather than the essays most students do for their English class. I never really liked writing essays, but it turns out that I enjoy writing when I have the ability to choose my topic. Anyway, a little bit about me is that I love listening to music, and I love exploring new genres and finding out what other people like to listen to. I feel you can really get to know a person by their music taste. I also enjoy being on my phone as anyone would, especially playing games like Roblox and Minecraft (I’m not quite the gamiest though). I also like watching TV shows and movies. Some of my favorites are Stranger Things, Superbad, Mean Girls, and White Chicks. Another thing about me is that I enjoy drawing and coloring. Although I’m not the best at drawing, I like to display what’s on my mind on paper. Well, there’s really not that much to me as a person, so that’s all I can think of lol. :)

Ozzie (Mascot)

Joined in 2017

Hi! I'm Ozzie the Newspaper Club Mascot!

I was born in Flagstaff, Arizona, but after moving to Trevor Browne, I finally found my home! With all the cookies, oatmeal, chips, and coffee Mr. Reimers give me on a daily basis, my stomach never fails me! (っˆڡˆς)

Here is a list of my favorites!

Thank you all so much for supporting me and the Orange Juice News! I recommend you joining the Newspaper Club. I know you all would love it! After all, you get free food! Love you all! ❤