March 12, 2021

The Adventures of
Jodi And John [WP]

Traveling Through Time Via The Transitioner
By Steven Le

2077. The year where it all happened. The year that would cloud the word “present.” Time travel became accessible to all, and Jodi knew she had to stop it. Jodi always feared this day; Doom’s Day she christened it. The moment the Transitioner appeared on the market, John (Jodi’s girlfriend for the past 3 years) bought it instantly. Ever since that day, Jodi has been unable to call John, text John, or contact John. After all, communication can’t happen between time dimensions.

Jodi got more and more anxious as the days passed. She hung out on her couch, laying there days upon end, waiting for John to reappear in the “present,” if she could even consider her dimension the “present.” After over a week of waiting, Jodi became restless and decided to take means into her own hands. She set off on an adventure to ruin time traveling for everyone.

Firstly, she bought a Transitioner and returned home with a barren crypto-currency account. She went to the exact spot that John used his Transitioner, and she dialed in 2047—the year that the time-travel concept first flourished. And just like that, Jodi no longer existed in the “present.” Teleporting in a lab, she was confused as to where she was. Scientists and engineers around her gasped as someone just materialized into existence in front of their eyes.

“THIS IS AN EMERGENCY! PLEASE STOP MAKING THE TIME MACHINE THIS INSTANT,” screamed Jodi. “It will ruin the future, separating people. People will time travel, and it will be impossible to find anyone at any time due to no communication occurring cross time-dimension. This not only happened to me but others in my society. Please, I warn you all. I came to this present to warn you all of the dangers of what is happening in my dimension.” Jodi continued on until suddenly she spotted someone familiar walking through the entrance.

“Jodi?” questioned the familiar person.

“John?” replied Jodi.

“What are you doing here?”

“Can’t I ask you the exact same thing?”

“I came here so I can protect you, Jodi. I did not want you to time-travel because I know the risks of doing so. We would potentially never see each other again if you were to time travel. Thus, I tried my best to prevent the Transitioner from happening before you got your hands on one. I guess I’m a bit too late?”

“Oh, John. Why didn’t you tell me? I came here to stop the Transitioner too. I was worried about you since you disappeared over a week ago.”

“It’s been that long?”

“Yes, and I miss you so much.”

“Same here.”

“Let’s both convince the scientists to stop making this product so others don’t get separated.”

“I agree.”

So then, after reuniting with each other and explaining the negatives of time travel, the couple succeeded in convincing the scientists to stop the creation of the Transitioner. They both returned back to what they think was their “present,” and little did anyone know, they are the only people to have the power to time travel now.

Steven Le
Journalist Since September 2018
Senior. Covers a huge range of topics, but mostly video games, anime, and self-improvement.

I am a Vietnamese American that enjoys spending time having fun and following passions. By playing video games, I rejuvinate. By coding, I challenge myself. By absorbing myself in the world of technology, I have an endless smile. I try to write about what I enjoy, and I definitely want to improve my writing skills and explore creative opportunities through the Orange Juice News.
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