March 5, 2021

The Game

Take Control of Your Life
By Jair Carrizal

Roll the dice

Take a chance

And enjoy the game

Life is a game

It's not always easy

But it's never impossible

But it doesn't have to be like that

Life is what you make it

There's hard times and harder times

But there's also good times and even better times

Life isn't meant to be spent alone

Even when it's all you have

Friends will always help you out at your lowest points

And congratulate you at your highest

In every game there are cheats

In this game, you just have to live today like it’s your last life

Life is a game

And it's your

Choice to take control

Jair Carrizal
Journalist Since September 2020
I loved the animation and story telling in this film and wanted to encourage people to watch the movie.

I am qualified to write this peice as I am always learning about art and story telling—always try to learn more.
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